Experiment: I wiped off the front windshield before I took off for a 50 min flight. The left wipe is the result of the airplane flying some 4,5 hours on the 12th April 2010 (BEFORE ICELANDIC VOLCANO ERUPTION). The windshield has been covered in the hangar with a thick blanket until today. The flight commenced into the MES (Mesnali) VOR at 7000 feet for some 30 minutes before returning home. Airborne 1930, landing 2020 local time.
After landing I wiped off the windshield with the wipe to the right. As you can see there is no ash whatsoever.
Conclusion: The air in which I flew is cleaner than I have experienced before. I consider it safe to fly VFR in Scandinavia as long as we keep away from the clouds.Learning The Air Commander is 100% responsible for its plane, crew and passenger at all times. The authorities can never guarantee safe flight, although they have tried very hard since the Icelandic Volcano eruption.